Meitiv Wholesale

Voitex provided Meitiv Wholesale with a
comprehensive phone system that
exceeded their expectations.


Moshe, the owner of Meitiv Wholesale, conducted extensive research on phone system companies to find the best fit for his supermarket. After thorough evaluation, he chose Voitex due to its reputation as a leader in the industry and the positive initial interaction with their customer service team. "After extensive research, it was clear that Voitex was the best choice. They not only lived up to their reputation but exceeded it," says Moshe.


Meitiv Wholesale needed a robust phone system to handle their diverse communication needs. They required features such as a hotline with extensions, text broadcast capabilities, and customizable greetings for different scenarios, including business hours and contact information. Additionally, they needed the flexibility to forward calls to different team members based on caller intent.


Voitex provided Meitiv Wholesale with a comprehensive phone system that exceeded their expectations. They set up six different greetings to cater to various situations, including business hours, contact information, and departmental extensions. Each team member received their own voicemail box, accessible through the website for easy management.

Voitex also enabled seamless call forwarding and voicemail management directly from the website, empowering Moshe and his team to handle communications independently. "I love how I can fast forward voicemail to the end to learn about the caller's number so I can quickly get back to them," says Moshe.

Additional Utilization

In addition to the PBX plan, Meitiv Wholesale leveraged Voitex's hotline and SMS broadcast products to further enhance their communication strategy. They are also exploring future enhancements by integrating Voitex with their own systems, including connecting the supermarket's doorbell and speakers to the phone system for improved functionality and convenience.

The Result

Thanks to Voitex's comprehensive solutions and responsive customer service, Meitiv Wholesale experienced a significant improvement in their communication efficiency and effectiveness. Moshe expressed satisfaction with Voitex's ability to deliver on all his requirements, noting that they provided everything he needed without exception.

With Voitex's support, Meitiv Wholesale is better equipped to serve its customers and manage its operations seamlessly.

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