Revolutionizing Course Organizations with Voitex’s IVR System


Our client, Masoires, a professional educational program for men before and after marriage in the Chassidish community, faced challenges in providing seamless and flexible phone access to valuable content for their members. Before implementing Voitex’s IVR system, they encountered limitations with other platforms, mainly a lack of customization and flexibility.

At Masoires, Yitzchok Binet, the founder, has a deeply personal mission. Having once struggled in his own marriage, professional intervention turned things around for him. Now, he is dedicated to making expert knowledge accessible to the masses through a simple dial-in action.


1. Membership Program Setup

The client needed an advanced membership program capable of recognizing caller IDs and associated credentials through an automated sign-up process.

2. Content Access Control

The client needed an automated billing system that could handle monthly memberships, initiate a trial period, and automatically adjust prices after the initial month.

3. Automated Billing

Differentiating access levels based on membership plans and caller IDs was crucial, ensuring that each member had personalized access.

Voitex’s Solutions:

Membership Setup

Voitex’s IVR system allowed for a fully automated 24/7 membership setup, including recognizing caller IDs associated with credentials.

Custom Access

The system efficiently managed access levels based on caller IDs, ensuring a personalized experience for paid and non-paid members.

Flexible Billing

Voitex’s IVR system facilitated an automated billing process, offering a $1 trial for the first month and adjusting prices automatically afterward.


Voitex’s IVR system proved scalable, efficiently handling the organization's growth and increasing call volume.

Additional Utilizations

1. Self-Test System/Program

The client utilized Voitex’s integration with Google Sheets to create self-assessment questionnaires and provide users with a comprehensive analysis based on their answers.

2. Segmented Program Progress

Voitex’s system allowed for a day-by-day program where users could pick up where they left off, providing a personalized and efficient learning experience.

3. Unified Caller ID for Chassanim

Ensuring seamless access, Voitex IVR assigns a consistent Caller ID through a secure password system, recognizing them as a unified identity, regardless of the phone in use.

The Result

The Voitex IVR System has been nothing short of transformative for Chassanim and husbands, surpassing our expectations and playing a pivotal role in fulfilling our organization's mission—to improve and foster a harmonious 'Shalom Bayis' environment.

The tailored and user-friendly experience it offers has empowered Chassanim to sign up, access valuable education whenever it suits them, learn, and grow at their own pace, contributing significantly to the enhancement of their relationships.


Voitex's IVR transformed Masoires' courses, providing unmatched flexibility and efficiency. With automated processes, precise access control, and seamless integration Chassanim and husbands are able to enhance their relationships. Yitzchok Binet's positive feedback reflects Voitex's commitment to excellence, inviting organizations to explore our powerful IVR solution.

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